Posts Tagged With: greek coffee

Boiled Greek coffee may be the secret to a longer life?

There is an island off the coast of Greece called Ikaria, the number of people living past the age of 89 is 10 times higher than the rest of the European population.  The Athens Medical School researchers were curious to understand if the islanders’ coffee consumption played a role.

According to a study conducted by Greek researchers, the study involved 71 men and 71 women, all over the age of 65.  Researchers performed medical checks and gave the participants health questionnaires about their medical history, lifestyle and coffee drinking habits.  Researchers analyzed the link between Greek coffee and its potential benefits on cardiovascular health and found those who drank boiled Greek coffee had significantly better heart function. Boiled Greek type of coffee, which is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants and contains only a moderate amount of caffeine, seems to gather benefits compared to other coffee beverages which could be key. Could more boiled Greek coffee be the key to living longer?


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